Mid-January Finds For Eyes & Ears


To say I read a lot is an understatement. I’ve always been this way–ever since I can remember I have loved reading. Particularly mysteries and thrillers, and usually the darker the better. (Case in point: No doubt even if you’ve never picked up a book, you’ve heard of Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn. But did you know Flynn penned two other books before GG captured so much attention? Didn’t think so. And, I preface this by saying I loved, loved GG, Flynn’s other two novels are better. Seriously. So good that Dark Places is being made into a film right now, and Sharp Objects can’t be far behind, I would think.)

Currently, I’m working my way through Karin Slaughter’s Grant County series. I have Blindsighted, Kisscut, A Faint Cold Fear and Indelible under my belt, and Faithless and Beyond Reach will wrap it up. Slaughter is one of my fave thriller writers, and not just ’cause her last name is awesome. Her characters are complicated, often unlikable, always relatable, and very, very interesting. Her Will Trent series is also quite good. Once I’ve finished the Grant County books, I plan to devour Slaughter’s standalones.

I’m also still trying to eke out the last remnants of the Serial podcast, of which The Serial Serial offered a followup last week. And, to fill the Serial void, I’ve been listening to a podcast called Criminal–shorter segments and standalone stories make it easier to listen to here and there.

Happy reading and/or listening!