September 2015 Finds

My last batch of watermelon granita, in which I achieved the perfect taste and texture.
My last batch of watermelon granita, in which I achieved the perfect balance of taste and texture.

Summer’s wrapping up and a lot has been going on. We went to a mega-huge concert, are 99.9% done with the kitchen remodel we started over a year ago, and pushed through some big time family drama. But enough of that! Because I’ve been reading some really good books, watching some entertaining movies and tv shows, and cooking up some tasty meals.

Here are my finds for September.

What To Read
I tore through Chelsea Cain’s whole Archie Sheridan & Gretchen Lowell series in a matter of weeks. There are six, and they’re all good. I was so sad the series ended, but then I read her newest novel, One Kick, and I can tell this series is going to be just as good, so I’m not quite so sad anymore. Then I enjoyed Jessica Knoll’s Luckiest Girl Alive (you know, the book everyone’s been raving is “the next Gone Girl”). I also finished the last two of John Verdon’s Dave Gurney series of four novels. I love to balance my crime/thriller diet with quality nonfiction, and On Hearing Of My Mother’s Death Six Years After It Happened by Lori Schafer really helped me cope and not feel so lost during a recent tough time. And I just finished Jon Ronson’s So You’ve Been Publicly Shamed, and it was ah-maze-ing — it’s a must read for anyone who uses social media even a little bit.

What To Watch
I’m so very happy Netflix picked up Longmire for another season, because that show just keeps getting better and better. Bonus–now that it’s on Netflix, the episodes are longer, and the show itself seems a little bit grittier, which makes it even better. I also binged on Grace and Frankie, which was very good. On HBO Now, I got completely caught up on Veep and my husband enjoyed Hard Knocks. Also caught Wild, which was just as perfect as the same-named book by Cheryl Strayed. I bought Dark Places, based on the same-named novel by Gillian Flynn, and while it was not as good as the book, it was very good. Then I finally got around on watching Amazon’s Transparent, and it was just as good as everyone’s been telling me. AMC’s Fear The Walking Dead has been a pleasant surprise, especially since I found the first episode boring. It’s nowhere near The Walking Dead, but then again, what is? And thanks to Hulu’s genius picking up of The Mindy Project, I don’t have to give up one of my fave sitcoms.

What To Cook
I’ve made this recipe for Cauliflower Rice Burrito Bowls twice in the past few weeks. It’s so easy, and SO good (and it passed the husband test). I’ve recently been getting into meatball making. They’re pretty easy to make, and they’re the perfect addition to most meals–two or three can even make for a great lunch. My recent foray into meatball making started with a recipe for Green Curry Meatballs with Creamy Coconut-Basil Sauce. The whole recipe was wonderful, but next time I think I’ll skip the sauce (could be because I had trouble finding coconut cream so I used full fat canned coconut milk) and instead of noodles I’ll make coconut rice.  I also spent the summer perfecting my granita technique. Watermelon isn’t in season anymore, so I’ve been researching winter granita flavors, so hopefully I’ll be able to continue my frozen treat streak.

Here’s to a fall full of good food, great books, and captivating TV shows/movies.

August Already?

Broiled s'mores!
Broiled s’mores!

I really tried to get a post up during the month of July. But then, toward the end of the month, I stumbled across the most engrossing thriller series, and, well, what can I say? I love to read!

The series, written by Chelsea Cain, is about a flawed investigator, Archie Sheridan, and a beautiful female serial killer, Gretchen Lowell, and their relationship. I can’t remember where I heard about this series, but now you, my dear reader(s), can thank ME when you too get addicted to the books! I was able to get the first, Heartsick, from my local library’s ebook lending program. I flew through that one in less than 48 hours and immediately bought the second, Sweetheart, because the only other book in the series at the library was #5 (there are 6, fyi). Started Sweetheart yesterday and I’m already halfway through, so I just stockpiled bought the rest and checked out #5 from the library. I figure at the rate I’m reading them, I need them readily available.

I’ve also been watching some good stuff (Lifetime’s UnReal, a scripted drama about a reality show along the lines of The Bachelor, is still one of my faves). I ventured out to the movies to see Trainwreck and give my gal Amy Schumer support for making such a funny, real film. USA’s Complications is good, and, surprise surprise, I enjoy procedural crime shows like TNT’s strong lineup of Major Crimes, Rizzoli & Isles, Murder In The First, and their true crime drama Cold Justice. For some reason (misplaced loyalty?) I’m still struggling through HBO’s True Detective, but it is a definite struggle–I feel like my time would be better spent re-watching last season. Lastly, the film Dark Places, based on Gillian Flynn’s same-named novel that is CRAZY good, just came out, and I immediately bought the movie and expect to watch it in the next few days. With a cast including Charlize Theron, Christina Hendricks, and Andrea Roth, I figure it’s going to be really good. If it’s even half as good as the book, it will be money well spent.

In addition to what has developed into a weekly watermelon granita habit, I’ve also tried my hand at banana ice cream, which even passed the husband test. My food processor has been earning its keep this summer, that’s for sure! It’s too hot to brew beer during the summer, so my husband has been brewing kombucha, and we’ve also been trying our hand at cold press coffee. Oh! And on a recent quick vacation, I perfected oven-made s’mores, as you can see from the above photo. (My advice–don’t heat the chocolate up, just add it after the marshmallows are toasty from the broiler!)

Here’s hoping the last few weeks of summer are full of more good books, TV and movies, with some tasty treats sprinkled throughout.