Early January Food Finds

We eat mostly vegetarian around here, and the first week of this new year was no exception. Here’s what I made for dinner. Since I’m only cooking for two, most recipes yield either enough for leftovers the next night, or enough for a hearty lunch (for me) the next day.

I got the recipe for Cauliflower and Fennel out of Cooking Light magazine November 2013. I was worried about the meal not being entirely filling for my husband, so I added a can of cannellini beans to the recipe (drained, then heated them in the ‘wave for a couple of minutes before adding to the whole shebang at the end). I also forgot to boil the fennel, but it turned out fine anyway.

This Mushroom-Lentil Tacos with Tahini Yogurt Sauce recipe was procured from Food52. I tend to view recipes as jumping off points and modify as I see fit, so for this I subbed hummus for Tahini (didn’t want to buy a whole jar of something–Tahini–I hardly ever use), and I used Naan rather than pitas and made them open face. I also meant to cheat and buy a can of lentils, but I forgot, so I used this recipe from The Kitchn to cook the dry lentils I had on hand. The next day there was enough left over for two pita sandwiches for me and my husband.

I was excited to try this recipe for Beef Goulash with Blue Cheese I found in Rachael Ray Magazine recently. I thought I could get away with some major modifications, subbing Yves Meatless Ground Round for ground beef, and completely leaving out the sour cream & blue cheese (to be healthy) and the dill (because unless it’s a pickle, why does it need dill?). I also used two red bells and veg stock instead of the beef or chicken stock. Being a fan of smoked paprika, I thought it turned out fine. The husband was less impressed. Since I have tons of recipes we both like, I’m fine with dropping this one altogether.

And because it wouldn’t be a week without pizza at our house, I made pizza one night. I always cheat and use fresh (they refer to it as “frozen”) Nugget pizza dough, and this time I topped it with black olives, sundried tomatoes (used the oil from the jar to drizzle on the pizza), capers, and a light dusting of parmesan. I made two medium-sized pizzas, and even had enough leftover for lunch the next day.


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